Arduino Day 2016

Arduino Day 2016

With Arduino Day 2016 approaching we intend to celebrate the spirit of Open hardware and open culture.

Following is the tentative agenda for the celebrations:

  1. GLUGs in various colleges working with FSFTN, in various geographical areas of Tamil nadu, will hold a session/workshop in the week leading to Arduino Day. Arduino Day is on April 2nd so the week preceding would be 28th March to 2nd April.

  2. On 2nd April FSFTN will arrange a meet up in Chennai and Pondicherry where the schedule will be as below:
    a. Philosophy of Open Hardware
    b. Intro to Arduino Hardware and IDE
    c. Discussion on 3D printer using Arduino and planning for building one for FSFTN. (Tentatively 3D printer is planned, can be changed on specific suggestions.)
    d. Open discussion on further OH activities of FSFTN.

Contact us on [email protected] if you have any queries or additions to be made to the agenda.
