Education Freedom Day - 2014

As part of Education Freedom Day celebrations, FSFTN members conducted a session at Chennai Corporation Girls Higher Secondary School at Perambur,Chennai on Friday, 24-01-2014.

The crowd comprised nearly 120 class XI students and K. Sibi,Executive Committee member, FSFTN, took a 2-hour session. The students were from the Computer Science and Commerce groups.

The students showed great interest in learning new things and were a highly inquisitive and responsive group. The depth of understanding and perceptiveness they showed matched that of many engineering students.

Those students who asked good questions and of course, gave brilliant answers were given short story books

The topics covered were,

  1. What is Free Software?
  2. How is it different from proprietary software?
  3. The basic philosophy behind free software.

Due to time limitations, a hands-on session was not possible. However, the students were very much interested in one and after discussion, it has been decided to have a practical session next month.

Asst. Headmaster Mr. Gulam Dastagir had a great contribution to make in the success of the session and FSFTN would like to thank him.

Mr.Tamizhmani, Computer science teacher of the school also helped with the arrangement.

FSFTN volunteers Suthir, Anupama and Nappinnai also participated in the session.

Photos available here.