FSFTN Monthly Newsletter | September 2020
Activities and Updates from FSFTN in the Month of September 2020

September 5
JCE GLUG volunteers continued with the Web development series. As a part-4, speaker covers Form Creation in Web development
Speaker - Poornima,
September 6
- Online Technical Team organised the session on Introduction to Community Networks .
Speaker - Meenakshi Sundaram, - Press Release - FSFTN Demands Proper Analysis and Transparency in Government's Decision to Ban Apps
Visit - https://fsftn.org/blog/fsftn-demands-proper-analysis-and-transparency-in-governments-decision-to-ban-apps/
September 8
118 செயலிகள் முடக்கம் சரியா? | நிரந்தர தேவை என்ன? | FSFTN கேள்விகள் மற்றும் கருத்துக்கள்
சமீபத்தில் அரசு தேசிய பாதுகாப்பின் அடிப்படையில் 118 செயலிகளை முடக்கியுள்ளன.
- செயலிகளின் முடக்கம் தான் நிரந்தர தீர்வா?
- இந்தியாவிற்கான முறையான தரவு பாதுகாப்பு சட்ட்ங்கள் உள்ளனவா?
- இந்தியாவின் செயலிகள் தனியுரிமையை மதிக்கிறதா? பாதுகாக்கிறதா?
FSFTN, அரசின் இந்த முடிவின்மேல் சில கேள்விகளையும், நிரந்தர தீர்வை அடைய செய்ய வேண்டியவை என்ன என்பதை பற்றி பேசியுள்ளது
Speaker - Balaji, General Secretary
Video Link - https://youtu.be/PrQ1xnS-orA
September 12
- All FSFTN volunteers joined for discussion and planning for the Software Freedom day Celebration.
- JCE GLUG organised the continuation of Web Development series. As part-5 , speaker covered CSS Layout along with Z-index and Index
Speaker - Poornima
September 13
Online Team organised the session on 2D Game Development with Phaser-3. As first part, they arranged for the Basic Game Development Theory
Speaker - Survesh Jones
Video - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Opw-LthMjQI
September 19
Call for Protest - Call for Students, Tech Enthusiasts, Free Software Activists to Support Sep 20th Protest
Visit - https://fsftn.org/blog/call-for-protest-20-sep/
September 20
Most awaited day finally came. SOFTWARE FREEDOM DAY Celebration. Due to this pandemic, for the 1st time Software Freedom Day celebration was organiesed Virtually with enthusiatic volunteers and participants.
Visit - https://fsftn.org/blog/software-freedom-day-2020/,
September 21
Photo collage of all the members and activists who took part in the protest for our demands regarding Transparency in App Bans and need for proper Data Protection Laws for the Nation
Visit - https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=3922713617755955&id=196173157076705
September 22
FSFTN would like to appreciate the initiative taken by the government to come up with a policy "Safe & Ethical Artificial Intelligence Policy 2020" to regulate the development and deployment of AI in systems public sector and also demands proper proper provisions to deal up with mass surveillance with AI/ML systems to be included with the policy.
Visit - https://fsftn.org/blog/comments-on-ai-poilicy-2020/
September 26
JCE GLUG volunteers organised the final part of Web Development series.
Topic - Web Hosting
Speaker - Poornima
September 27
Online Technical Team organised 2D Game Development with Phaser-3.
Topic - Building Simple Game using Phaser-3.
Speaker - Survesh Jones