FSHC Inauguration at SMVEC - Pondicherry

Free Software Hardware Community (FSHC) has been inaugurated on 28th Jan 2015 at Sri Manakula Vinayagar Engineering College, Puducherry by Free Software Hardware Movement, Puducherry in co-ordination with the Dept. of Information Technology.

The event started with the greetings of Mr. Raju (Head – Dept. of Information Technology).

An automated python script greeted the students, triggered the countdown and finally launched the blog of FSHC – SMVEC, as a sign of inaugurating the Free Software Hardware Community.

It was then proceeded by two session, on Free Software/Hardware Philosophy, Culture and Tools by Sibi (FSFTN) and Free Software Alternatives by Ashwin (FSFTN).

Around 130 students of second year (Information Technology) were involved in this program. The importance of the Free Software and Open Hardware were explained to the students and various activities of FSHC were discussed with the students. Vikneshwaran (FHSM) coordinated the activities from SMVEC.

Photos can be accesed here.