Walk-A-Thon Supporting Net Neutrality

Free Software Foundation Tamil Nadu conducted a Walkathon Supporting Net Neutrality in Besant Nagar Beach, Chennai on 23rd April for raising public awareness about the recent violations of Net Neutrality by Telecom Service Providers in India and the related consultation paper floated by Telecom Regulatory Authority of India calling for suggestions from Public with a very short deadline.

The campaign witnessed active participation of more than 70+ participants cutting across professions: students, IT professionals, activists etc.

For the walkathon, activists marched along the beach of Besant Nagar raising slogans for the cause of Net Neutriality like "Net For People, Not for profits", "We Pay, we choose" among other slogans in tamil.

During the same pamphlets were distributed along the way to the general public and our voulunteers interacted with the public to answer their queries if they had any.

The event was well covered by the media and FSFTN hopes that the issue is brought a little more attention to the topic as duly required.

Please find the following links for the stories of our efforts:

  1. The Hindu - When Chennai took a stand for net neutrality
  2. Deccan Chronicle - Young Chennaiites join campaign to protect net neutrality
  3. Times of India - Chennaiites rally for Net Neutrality

In recent times our nation has seen blatant violations of Net Neutrality by few Telecom Service Providers and other Internet Giants, whether it was with AIrtel Zero or with Internt.org, and the consultation paper by TRAI for "Over the Top Services" asking public to give suggestions on the same with April 24th as deadline is again a very sad step in the same direction.

FSFTN believes strongly that we, the public, needs to keep the fight for an open and democratic Internet waging in times to come and safeguards interests of the public.

Pictures of the rally can be accessed here